Been a long time since we rapped at you, we know, light posting lately on account of finals, deadlines, holidays.
Please enjoy this item from the Huffington Post:
Lowe's, the national hardware chain, has pulled commercials from future episodes of "All-American Muslim," a TLC reality-TV show, after protests by Christian groups.
The Florida Family Association, a Tampa Bay group, has led a campaign urging companies to pull ads on "All-American Muslim."
"'All-American Muslim' is propaganda clearly designed to counter legitimate and present-day concerns about many Muslims who are advancing Islamic fundamentalism and Sharia law," the Florida group asserts in a letter it asks members to send to TLC advertisers.
The show profiles only Muslims that appear to be ordinary folks while excluding many Islamic believers whose agenda poses a clear and present danger to the liberties and traditional values that the majority of Americans cherish," the FFA's letter continues.
Can't tell if Christian or just trolling.