Ask Questions

There’s been a lot of talk recently about whether our President is an idiot. We don’t think that matters because in general with think such questions are a distraction from the real questions. How distracting is it? Look at this:

> My theory dovetails with something one of his most acerbic critics, columnist Molly Ivins, once wrote: “George W. Bush sounds like English is his second language.” That’s because it’s true. “Washington English” is a second language for Bush; “Texas English” is his first.

That’s Kathleen Parker. The problem with the plain-spoken meme is that it just doesn’t square with an Andover/Yale/Harvard education. Nor does it resemble the way his brothers or his family speaks. But like I say, that’s a distraction from things such as this:

>There’s a lot of people in the world who don’t believe that people whose skin color may not be the same as ours can be free and self-govern. I reject that. I reject that strongly. I believe that people who practice the Muslim faith can self-govern. I believe that people whose skins aren’t necessarily — are a different color than white can self-govern.

Are there now? Who are these people? Is it, perhaps, Pat Buchanan? Maybe it’s no one. And besides, he moved from “skin color” to the pleonastic “people who practice the Muslim faith.” Whatever questions this sort of argumentative nonsense raises about Bush, it ought to be pointed out by smart people in the media. In this case someone could have asked him a simple question: who sez?

7 thoughts on “Ask Questions”

  1. our president is stupid–stupid like a fox. in other words, he’s as stupid as you want him to be, thus the fact that “the plain spoken meme…doesn’t match up with the Andover/Yale/Harvard education.” just like the fox, he plays slow, them just as you’re on him, he vanishes, whisked away into the wings of the of the press room or up the steps of Marine One, leaving his befuddled audience of hunter/reporters to sort out his calculatedly nonsensical shirks.

  2. I think you give our beloved mokeylike president too much credit,he’s more of a puppet than a fox like creature.

  3. Come to think of it, the “plain-spoken” meme is an insult to coherent plain-spoken people. There is nothing plain-spoken about being simply incoherent or indecipherable.

  4. exactly, dr. casey. there is nothing plain-spoken about it at all. he’s no pet monkey, despite what cheney and mr. grey might think, and he’s no fool, he just kmows how to play the role. aqny one who thinks he really ias stupid and feckless as appearances suggest, consider how many jams, lies and plain inconsistencies the mainstream media has allowed him to get away with simply because they assume his ignorance, moreover, i’m betting a careful analysis would demonstrate how his retreat into purposeful idiocy has greatly increased at those times when he finds himself in the deepest public quagmire. it’s not plain speech, but neither is it sheer stupidity. never feel sorry for a lawyer and never underestimate the resourcefulness of a politician. bush may not have memorized the canon, but he is no fool.

  5. I think it’s getting sort of hard to hide that our president is in fact, a moron. Face it, he’s failed at everything he’s ever done aside from being a husband and a good campaigner.

    I think the one thing is, he’s always had people to handle things for him. His father, Cheney, the GOP, the press, etc.

    That’s why it will be great if (And honestly, that’s a big “if”) the republicans lose power in November. He will be left to flail in the wind. He already is it seems, as the press is just going to get harsher with him. There was a good article in Salon today about that press conference and just how otherworldly out-of-touch Bush is.

    “There’s a lot of people in the world who don’t believe that people whose skin color may not be the same as ours can be free and self-govern. I reject that. I reject that strongly. I believe that people who practice the Muslim faith can self-govern. I believe that people whose skins aren’t necessarily — are a different color than white can self-govern.”

    Jesus, who most assuredly did not have white skin, would be proud. If, you know, he existed.


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