Those who work in American philosophy often suffer from an unfortunate set of professional blindnesses. The list is long, and I won't go into listing them all. But there's one worth noting here: they seem to be totally unaware of how their judgment in terminology is questionable. Exhibit 1 is the unfortunate name for the main scholarly society for of American philosophy: the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, for short, the SAAP. Exhibit 2 is pretty much anything, other than 'pragmatism,' named by Peirce. And then this line turns up in a (now, not so recent) book review in the journal of record for the area, Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society:
Hickman’s Dewey is the ultimate tool…
To be fair, the sentence then proceeds with the metaphor, comparing Dewey to a "Swiss Army knife" that is "ready for any job at hand," and so on. But come on. Just a little judgment here, people. Just a little.