Courtesy of Thinkprogress, Bush has diagnosed the problem:
>In other words, we just didn’t talk about philosophy — there’s too many philosophers in Washington — we acted. We got the job done. We cut the taxes on everybody who pays income taxes. We doubled the child tax credit. We reduced the marriage penalty. We cut taxes on small businesses. We cut taxes on capital gains and dividends to promote investment and jobs. And to reward family businesses and farmers for a lifetime of hard work and savings, we put the death tax on the road to extinction. (Applause.)
If he thinks it’s bad now, he should just wait for the December meeting of the American Philosophical Association.
i’m sick of this dead horse death tax meme–but i’ve got it figured out. the reason the death tax is forcing farmers and business owners to sell is because when that huge inheritance check shows up, why in the name patrick’s robe would they want to keep working dawn ’til dusk?!
So philosophers don’t act? Now I have an excuse when I don’t have my papers done on time!
I’m sorry Professor X, I didn’t get my paper done because according to the President, philosophers don’t act.
“If he thinks it’s bad now, he should just wait for the December meeting of the American Philosophical Association.”—-Priceless! I think we should just move all the seminars to the White House lawn. Maybe our “Dear Leader” could contribute some thoughts at the Colloquium on Moral Theory on Friday the 29th or prehaps the symposium on causation in early modern philosophy on Thursday the 28th. But, I’m fairly certain he won’t be sitting in on Philip Kitcher’s lecture titled “Darwin and Democracy.”