7 years

Today is the seven-year anniversary of this blog.  I used to hate calling it a blog.  But that's what it is.  As far as I can tell–and you can correct me if I'm wrong–there are not a lot of blogs like this.  That is, there are not blogs that have argument per se as their sole subject matter.  I wonder if this is because for the most part people think they are just fine at argumentation.  My sense was, when we started this, was that they are not in fact very good at it.  That's pretty much how I feel today.  Sad, this is, because with a little effort we could have something closer to the public discourse our country ought to think it deserves.

8 thoughts on “7 years”

  1. Happy anniversary!

    Always an interesting read here. Fun and educational.

  2. Happy anniversary. This is a a great place for reading about arguments and logic. Wonder what the world would be like if there were as many argument blogs as porn sites…

  3. Happy seventh!
    Here's to seven more years of Ray beating his meat to your argument evaluations.

  4. Wow. That got out of hand really quickly. Kind of like this comment thread.

  5. Just found this blog when I was considering starting one of a similar name. Am really liking it. Keep up the good work.

  6. "Sad, this is, because with a little effort we could have something closer to the public discourse our country ought to think it deserves."
    Thinking is like, hard, you know? Congrats on 7 years, and keep up the excellent work.

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